VAL D'ECO Airén & Sauvignon Blanc
Organic & Vegan Wine
Juventud floral
Uva / Grape
Sauvignon Blanc
Vista / View
Color amarillo brillante pálido, claro y puro. Pale bright yellow colour, clear and pure.
Olor / Smell
Flores y fruta blanca: pera, manzana y melocotón. Flowers and white fruit: pear, apple, and peach.
Sabor / Taste
Manzana y pera. Afrutado. Apple and pear. Fruity.
Maridaje / Food pairing
Verduras, pescados, mariscos, carnes blancas, pasta, arroz y embutidos suaves. Vegetables, fish, shellfish, white meat, pasta, risotto, and soft cold charcuterie.
Servicio / Service
75 cl - 12,5% Vol.
E: 332,7 KJ / 79,6 Kcal per 100 ml
Gold Medal
Certamen TOP WINE 2019
Gold Medal
EcoVino 2018 - IX International Organic Wine Contest
Gold Medal
Certamen TOP WINE 2018
Silver Medal
Certamen TOP WINE 2017